Reg Writes

Reg Writes Quizz Whizz FAQ's Clive Live Fun Facts

14. The Sound Of Mewsic

Me with my tum in the sun. Feline Felicitations!

Reg here, back on the internet after coming back from the vet! Mouse's Eyeballs and other cat curses. I now have to go once every two months. Apparently, I am getting on in cat years although no one knows quite how old I am, least of all, me. I do know lots of things, though, including how I’ve been with Clive for ten summers…ten lovely summers of getting my head in the shade in the garden but leaving my tum in the sun. Furry, furry nice.

When I knew I had to go to the vet regularly, you could say I was in a bad mewd but John the vet is pretty cool. After all, his favourite colour is purrrrple (can't be bad) and he calls me “bionic”. That makes me the Six Million Dollar Cat…although I reckon I'm worth far more than that! Vet's visits are always ended with Clive fussing over me which, of course, is how it should be. And the exciting news is that my special food now comes in a new flavour...tuna....deeeee-licious.

Now, did you know that cats are very mewsical? Yes, cats have a wider range of hearing than humans (over 7 octaves) so you can imagine how cat-a-strophic it used to be for me to have to endure Clive’s terrible taste in music – all progressive rock and complex classical overtures. What a racket - worse than dogs howling. I'm trying to educate Clive musically and bought him an album recently by a Danish band called Mew. Now, as soon as one of his dreadful old albums go on, I purrr-suade him to take it off or reach for the pause, or should that be paws, button myself. One day he'll learn.

Until next time, Keep Rockin’

Reg •
Paw print Reg Gifford

Q: Is it bad luck if a black cat follows you?
A: That depends on whether you're a man or a mouse!